Kane Chronicles Role Play Wiki
Forums: Index > Initiation > Kiara Ryans - Approved

Forums: Index > Claiming > Kiara Ryans - Approved

Name: Kiara Rain

Gender: Female

Age: 13

Type of Magician: 1. Necromancer 2. Animal Charmer 3. Elementalist

Family: None

Personality: Kiara is cold and hard to strangers. She does not trust anyone until they prove themselves. Though to those of her very few friends, she is loyal, kind and a great person. To friends, she is the best ally. To enemies..........start running.

History: Kiara grew up in the streets of New York. Her family had abondened her when she was young. when she was 5, she met James. She didnt trust him at first and didnt accept his help. But at age 7 after two years of him helping and her not trusting she just gave in. Then he told her his secret. James was a 19 year old Necromancer/animal charmer/ elementalist who searched for other magicians and trained them. He had known she was one staright away and knew she needed help.And so he taught her until she was ten, then he sent her to the First Nome in Egypt.He had to go and do other training for young lost magicians. So she has stayed at the First Nome ever since as a Necromancer/animal charmer/ elementalist.

Weapons: Two daggers, a wand and staff.

KittyInASheepsClothes 03:03, October 22, 2011 (UTC)

It looks mostly good, but what was James doing there, and how did Kiara know she could trust him; etc? When life gives you lemons…You make beef stew! :D 03:09, October 22, 2011 (UTC)

Approved, necromancer. When life gives you lemons…You make beef stew! :D 03:18, October 22, 2011 (UTC)
